
Our content partner is a leading company offering training for electronics engineers, EMC for Business, which prepared 2 lectures. In 2024, lectures will be held information soon.

See details below.

Admission to all lectures is free!

Sala duża

EMC in space... or about EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) requirements in the space sector (SPACE). Is this some kind of cosmos compared to industrial EMC tests? EMC4B, Tomasz Utkowski

  • Popular standards referenced by NASA/ESA/OTHER
  • EMC testing methods for the space sector (SPACE)
  • EMI emission and exposure levels for electronics
  • Additional requirements for electronics
Sala duża

Semiconductor Obsolescence Management, Jarosław Klofczyński, Rochester Electronics Electronic Component lifecycles between launch and Obsolescence are shortening. Improvement in die manufacturing technology and increase in electronic components usage in new technologies and markets causing shortening of life cycles. AI(Artificial Intelligence), consumer electronics, limited fabrication capacity and changes in packages are driving faster change. Obsolescence is therefore affecting more companies, more frequently than ever before. In this presentation Jaroslaw will speak about the impact of obsolescence in Semiconductors and how it can be managed.

Sala duża

Be a leader you want to work with. How to manage a team in the electronics industry so as not to burn yourself out? KROK, Ewa Załupska

How to manage a team when you work in the electronics industry? What happens when you become a leader? Through the eyes of your people. Through the eyes of your team. What challenges await this position, but also what needs do employees have - needs addressed to leaders? What is overwhelming when managing a team? What builds authority and what doesn't? What dysfunctions await every team? How to approach building truly effective teams and (often the most difficult thing): how to conduct courageous and often difficult conversations with employees? What helps in management and what only adds emotions and ultimately burdens you more? I invite those who want to be leaders who want to work with.

Sala duża

Report presentation: Achievements and prospects of the semiconductor production industry in Poland. Mikołaj Trunin, Agnieszka Szweda Polish Investment and Trade Agency, Invest in Pomerania, tek.info.pl. The most important event of the recent period in Poland should be considered Intel's decision to build an OSAT plant in Poland. Will this largest investment in Poland in recent years become a factor that will revitalize the entire industry in Poland? We have been looking for the answer to this question for several months, and we presented the results of our search in a report on the current status and growth prospects of semiconductor production. Listen to the presentation of the report conducted by our partners from Invest in Pomerania and PAIH.

Sala duża

EMS, an industry in uproar. in4ma, Dieter Weiss

Nearly two years the EMS industry saw unbelievable growth rates, proving the fake chip crisis wrong. Dramatic increases in demand had been artificial and only caused stores of OEMs to overflow. Already in 2.H.2023 the demand saw an abrupt stop and 1.H. 2024 was a panic time. What is happening now?

Sala duża

Does it matter? – the future of home automation. FutureElectronics, Paweł Kaczyński

The matter protocol has become one of the most popular communication protocols for home automation devices. It is a kind of response to customers' hopes related to simplified use. For manufacturers, it is the answer to hopes related to simple integration of their products with existing systems. At the same time, it is a big challenge for designers to meet all the requirements set by CSA. So what is Matter?

Sala duża

Why is Poland the best place to invest in the electronics industry? Best Supply, Jacek Małecki

The author of the lecture believes that Poland currently has all the predispositions to become the factory of Europe in general, including in the field of electronics production. During the presentation, he will try to substantively justify it.

Sala duża

Support programs for the semiconductor industry in the EU and the USA - effects two years after implementation. Best Supply, Jacek Małecki

For many years, the Western world has seen threats related to the rapidly growing scale of semiconductor production in Asia. In order to stop and change this trend, the United States and the European Union have implemented comprehensive programs to support local production in this industry. The lecture aims to show the current effects of these activities and their planned effects in the next 3-5 years.

Duża sala

How useful is Design for Assembly in electronics design? ODITK GROUP, Michał Hałas

Underestimated influence of the designer on the final cost of the product. Can Design For Assembly examples from other industries inspire electronics engineers? Who cares about the total cost of the product including the housing? Where to practically start? Michał Hałas, associated with GRUPA ODITK | for 25 years trainer, substantive director of the TRIZ/DFX area, author of the book "Engineering Simplification". He has been popularizing TRIZ in Poland for years - problem-solving tools for engineers, as well as highly effective DFX design methodologies (mainly DFA). What fascinates me about DFA is the ability to deliver a quick return on a relatively small investment in builders. He is the originator and host of Technovation - Forum of Technical, Production and Development Directors, and a valued conference speaker. Most often, it develops teams of design engineers.

Sala mała

LoRaWAN - trochę teorii i dużo praktycznych zastosowań - przykłady realnego zasięgu sieci na terenie Trójmiasta i okolic. Indesmatech, Bartosz Olesiński LoRaWAN - trochę teorii i dużo praktycznych zastosowań - przykłady realnego zasięgu sieci na terenie Trójmiasta i okolic. Indesmatech, Bartosz Olesiński Pokażemy dane odczytów w czasie rzeczywistym oraz dane historyczne dotyczące między innymi: Bramka solarna w pełni off-grid, zasilana panelem fotowoltaicznym Czujniki zapełnienia pojemników na odpady Sensory zajętości miejsca parkingowego Wodomierz Zastosowanie czujników wilgotności i temperatury na przykładzie muzeum Tracker/lokalizator rowerów oraz e-bike’ów

Sala mała

How to protect your health during hand soldering WELLER TOOLS, Martin Pfeil

Welcome to a new era in electronics manufacturing, where clean air is a necessity in the workplace.

Learn how to protect your health during hand soldering.

  • Long and short term exposure to airborne particles and gases can lead to symptoms including dermatitis, acne, headaches, eye irritation, sinonasal cancer, sore throats, and lung damage*
  • At least 20 % of employees in the soldering area indicate clinical symptoms of asthma**
  • Protect your respiratory system
  • Reduce absence times and healthcare costs

*HSE Health & Safety Executive in Great Britain **Results from a study made in USA & Europe

Mała sala

Thermal management in electronics using liquid and semi-liquid materials, comparative analysis with solid materials. Dacpol, Marcin Mierzejewski The topic of the lectures will be the use of materials such as: semi-liquid self-curing fillers, thermal pastes and poured thermal conductive materials for effective heat management in electronics. The presentation will refer to the materials available on the market, methods of their application at stages from prototyping to mass production, and several examples of applications. An additional element will be a short comparative analysis of dispensed materials and materials available in sheet form: what are the advantages and disadvantages, and what factors determine the use of this type of solutions.

Sala mała

Kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna – materiały ekranujące Arizo, Mariusz Piękoś

Mimo tego, iż materiały ekranujące są dobrze znane w branży elektroniki, ich poprawny dobór staję się często wyzwaniem. Podczas wykładu omawiane będą popularne materiały EMC (m.in. uszczelki, szyby czy panele wentylacyjne), ich zalety i wady oraz zasady ich poprawnego doboru.

Sala mała

Program Tech Hub PFR. Polski Fundusz Rozwoju, Tomasz Piotrowicz

Polski Fundusz Rozwoju wspiera rozwój sektora wysokich technologii ponieważ mają one kluczowe znaczenie dla długofalowego dynamicznego rozwoju polskiej gospodarki. Podczas wykładu zostanie przedstawione jak można przystąpić do programu oraz jak PFR pomaga polskim przedsiębiorstwom.

Sala mała

AI in industry – Vision Control and Video Management System. Elmark, Michał Koda

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a very loud topic in recent times. However, it raises many questions, including: What can the industry gain from it? What dangers should you watch out for?

During the lecture, we will talk about how AI can:

  • improve the quality of products,
  • reduce losses,
  • help optimize processes in the factory.

We will discuss topics related to, among others: with visual quality control, optimization of production processes and we will show how to combine AI with facility monitoring.”

How will artificial intelligence increase product quality, reduce losses and help optimize factory processes?

Sala mała

Thermal management in electronic systems. Blelektronik Barbara Ligenza, Sławomir Ligenza

We will try to familiarize you with the issues related to the selection of the optimal cooling system in electronic devices. We will discuss the factors that should be taken into account and what measurements and analyzes should be performed during design to ensure long-term and reliable operation of the product. We will present a short review of currently used thermal conductive materials, including the latest solutions. You're welcome !

Sala mała

Branża elektroniczna i elektryczna potrzebuje czegoś więcej niż tylko ERP. Paweł Orzeszko, proALPHA Polska

Zapraszamy na wykład o zarządzaniu strukturą produktu (BOM) w branży elektroniki i nowych technologii. Omówimy:

- Rewizje BOM: Efektywne zarządzanie rewizjami i korzyści z precyzyjnego śledzenia zmian.

- Zamienniki: Skuteczne zarządzanie indeksami zamiennymi dla większej elastyczności produkcji.

- Technologia produkcji:Zarządzanie procesami technologicznymi w systemie proALPHA, z uwzględnieniem technologii bazowych i alternatywnych.

- Traceability: Śledzenie partii w zakupach, szczególnie w branży elektroniki.

- Zarządzanie projektami: Prezentacja modułu zarządzania projektami w systemie proALPHA, w tym drzewo struktury projektu, wykres Gantta i kalkulacja projektów.

To idealna okazja, aby poznać zaawansowane narzędzia systemu proALPHA i skutecznie zarządzać BOM oraz projektami w nowoczesnych technologiach.